1Make sure you have accurate equipment information you need to run.
A list of equipment you will run at the same time. Example: 20 HP Wide Belt Sander - 460 Volts 7.5 HP Dust Collector - 230 Volts 10 HP Shaper - 230 Volts
2Do you have enough Utility Power?
At your main breaker panel is a good indication how much service you have, the best more accurate is finding out what size utility transformer you have feeding your building.
3Saftey, State or Local Regulations?
Not only following state or local laws, it is important saftey is considered, We go beyond NEC and UL Listing, standards to make sure your safety is first, We offer UL Listed Phase Converter along with many other saftey products and systems, not all phase converters must be UL listed, but check with your local and state code or electrician.
Easy Load: Typically machinery that have a low inertia during start up, free spinning, but not limited to this. Such as saws, drillpress, milling machines, ect.
Medium Load: Requires a bit more energy to start, not many equipment in this load type. Such as some mixers, smaller lathes,ect.
Hard Load: Most common load type, includes lathes, CNC machines, pumps, Press Brake, Wide Belt Sander ect.Very Hard Load: Also common, example would be a Air Compressor, HVAC, Fan, Hydraulic press, ect..
Multiple Load: Has to be sized by the largest load first and than calculated by a professional, typically the total HP of all your equipment running at once will be the size of the phase converter, this has a lot of variants.
Resistive Load: This type of load is your biggest demand from aphase converter, even that a phase converter max resistive loadis higher then the selected unit, the rule of thumb to keep abalanced voltage is use 1 HP for every amp of resistive load.
Utility transformers vary from size, 15, 25, 50, 100, 167, 300 KVA and so on for single phase service, The KVA number will indicate the true amperage you have available.
Note: ask a sales representive to help you for high voltage 460-480 volts single phase power.
Transformer Size | Amps at 120V | Amps at 240V |
10 kVA | 83A | 42A |
15 kVA | 125A | 63 A |
25 kVA | 208 A | 104 A |
37.5 kVA | 313 A | 156 A |
50 kVA | 417 A | 208 A |
75 kVA | 625 A | 313 A |
100 kVA | 833 A | 417 A |
167 kVA | 1391 A | 695 A |